Well today was a much needed REST day. I've been s tired lately since I've been back at school and work is busy. So when I was waking up this morning I was so tired and exhausted I decided to not go into work and take the time to sleep. I know that it's not the smartest thing to do, but in order for me to succeed at everything I do I needed this time to rest. I literally slept all day and it was so nice to get caught up.
Part of the reason I'm so tired is I'm just non-stop at everything. I realized that I was burning myself out by trying to go to school, work, spend time with friends and family and there was no balance. So I've decided to take some time out and not make so many plans with people. I'm going to need to use my weekend to do homework and rest. I know that I have to see my friends and family and I will but I'm going to balalance it all out. I also thought being busy was fun in a way, not sure which way, but I realize it's not. I need my sanity and energy to do well. Especially that I'll be starting my new position soon at work I want to do %100 so I need my rest.
Well enough about that..on another note I'm so excited that this weekend me and Alex are FINALLY getting a TV for the bedroom! Which means we are going to be spending alot of time in the bedroom watching DVD's on the weekends! YAY! See little things like this make me happy!
Well now it's time to get ready for work and school. Until next time............