i have neglected my blog due to my crazy and busy life which lead me to the "D" word: Depression!
Yup I said depression! I was fighting it for awhile and I just thought it will blow over, but behold it didnt. What really triggered it was a argument I had with my mom a few weeks back. I have shared with you about her and her issues have gotten to me. I dont want to blame her completely but she had a big part. Other things were school, the house buying process, money,certain "friends" and body issues I was having. I finally saw a doctor and he referred me to a place that I wish to not disclose just yet. Still testing the waters.
But the past 2 weeks have been good/bad.
Mom and I are still having issues.
House Process is on hold
Family is concerned about me
Letting go of the Super Woman attitude
Ran the Lance Armstong Lifestrong Challenge and came in at 26:55
Getting Better
Working on ME
Taking one day at a time - SERIOUSLY
Will be on vaacation for a whole starting Friday @ 2:00pm
Learning not say No and not feel guilty
I have found out who my true friends are
I have realized in this new journey is that I have my whole life to do it all. I focus to much on what other say, like do this, do that! I know they mean well and all but in the end only Angela can make those decisions. I have a great husband, friends and family that support me with my battle.
It's a scary ass ride but there is nothing that I cant fight. I dont always have to be SUPERWOMAN....just take one day at a time...literally!!!!!
Peace out!