Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Last Day of Vacation

Today is my last day of vacation and summer in a sense. Kinda bummed but happy at the same time. We ended our last day with a delicous breakfast at Denny's, came home and napped, watched a few tv shows and then this evening heading over to my grandmas and mom's. Although tonight I'm going to need to put myself back to work frame. I have a meeting tomorrow so I will need to get mentally ready for that.

All is all I had a wonderful vacation, did some soul searching, spend tons of much needed time with Alex and the family, and also got to hang out with some friends. Accomplsihed a few crafty and "around the house" projects. Now ready to get back to work, start school in a few weeks and start savng some money;we've spent WAY too much money this summer and was totally off budget, but hey it was worth it and now time to get serious.

Now to the next chapter in my life.......the real world! =)

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