Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Well today was a nice Halloween. I gave each co-worker a goodie bag filled with treats and I got to use my Halloween stamps that only cost me $1.00. I also wore a cute Halloweeen shirt from Old Navy that cost me $5.00. Yes I am a cheap shopper!

Since I had school tonight I wasn't on planning doing anythng special, but my teacher let us out at 6:30pm. So I hurried home and told Alex we should order some pizza, open a bottle of wine and watch a scray movie in the dark....and we did! It was nice and a little scary cause of the movie.

We got a few trick or treaters so luckily I had some extra candy left over.

But as usual Alex had to go to bed which meant we had to end the night early. But it was a nice Halloween for 2006.

Now can't wait for my Christmas spirit to kick in!

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