Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Kickoff Has Begun

Effective Friday @ 2:00pm I will be on vacation from work for a whole week! No getting up early, no work email, no bosses asking for this and that and no phone calls!

Me, Alex, my dad and siblings, and Alex's parents are all going camping for 4 days! It's going to be great because all I have to do is have fun and relax in the woods.

Upon my return from the outdoors, Alex and I have a day planned at the beach and then I have a spa day with a good friend, and POSSIBLY a scrap fest with the gals.

I also plan on getting organized like sign up for school and get my half marathon training started get some summer reading done, and finish my "SELF" mini album. Speaking of which I need to post pics of that...

Oh and 1 more thing it's my BIRTHDAY on Tuesday...the big 28!

Cheers to the good life!!!!

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