Saturday, May 31, 2008

Starting Off Young!

I needed to get my "fix" after I picked up the kids which meant we headed to of my favorite places to go. So Ms. Victoria got a Vanilla Bean frap and Vincent got a cookie and I got my usual: Skinny Vanilla Latte. Since I liked to sit there at times and read I figured why not experience that with the kids minus the reading. It was cute and I told them this is one of my favorite places to come.

Here are a few pics:

The rest of the day was fun! We made dinner together and had a yummy dessert: Strawberry Shortcakes. My mom used to make them for me when I was little so I wanted to make the for them. They sure were yummy, although since I am watching my figure I just had the strawberries with low fat cool whip. YUMMY!

The kids are now settles down and I am here blogging and enjoying the peace and quiet.

Man I am just thinking like a "mother"! My day will come and we can't wait. Until now I will suck up all the practice!

Good Night!

Feeling Great....

woke up at 7am, did laudry, cleaned the apt, made coffee and ate breakfast. No gym cause my body is sore! I am having the kids this weekend. Later today I am either taking them to Build a Bear or the Borders. They wanted to go to Toys R Us, but they have enough toys!

Another thing that has concerned me is myy 9 year old brother has been watching WWF! I am not sure if it's a bad thing or a good thing. He is a good kid and doesn't do bad things, not to say he won't ever but i just don't want him to be inspired by all that! Especially now a days boys can be mean and aggressive and honestly little punks. So i will have to see how is behavior is while he is watching it here at my place.

i also have decided to open a college account for all 3 of them. i know it should be my parents thingy to do, but i want to help and encourage them to go to college. so each month for the two that are in school i will put $10 a month in savings and when they turn 18 they will have a check for school.

i am their big sister and if anything want to be a role model to them! i know they look up to me already which keeps me going.

speaking of Borders, I have been reading "Beautiful Boy". It's a memoir about a father writing about his son's addiction to drugs. so far it's good but a tad slow.

i hope you all have a good weekend!

will post pics later from my weekend with the kids!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A few happy moments.....

I'm Back!!

Alot has been going in the past few months, good and bad.

First I will start with the bad: Had a few family issues that I had to deal was a tough road, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. My mom deals with depression and it can take a toll on the whole family. But she is a strong woman and I just know that she will get through this.

School: I finally come to terms of what I want to be when I grow up! At first I thought I wanted to be a Social Worker, but with all the hype of my own family drama, not so much. So I have instead got on my 2 year plan to finish and leave City College with an AA in Business and then transfer to San Jose State and get my BA in Business. Work has defintely turned around for me and I am very happy there!

Now on to the good stuff!

I just finished running the Bay to Breakers: 12k = 7.34 miles and finished in 1 hour and 13 mins!!!!

I am going to sign up for the San Jose Rock n Roll Half Marathon! I am so excited to finish this game.

I have been doing alot of scrapbooking and I just have to say that I am an official Close to My Heart snob! LOL I did some spring cleaning and went thru all my scrappy stuff and good lord i have way too i have been selling it and what is left I wil donate to the YMCA.

Me and Alex are doing well and we will be going to Vegas together in September and we so can't wait!

Well it really felt good to write this and I will be posting more as I realized this is a good therapy for me.

Off to finish my coffee and watch 90210!