Saturday, May 31, 2008

Starting Off Young!

I needed to get my "fix" after I picked up the kids which meant we headed to of my favorite places to go. So Ms. Victoria got a Vanilla Bean frap and Vincent got a cookie and I got my usual: Skinny Vanilla Latte. Since I liked to sit there at times and read I figured why not experience that with the kids minus the reading. It was cute and I told them this is one of my favorite places to come.

Here are a few pics:

The rest of the day was fun! We made dinner together and had a yummy dessert: Strawberry Shortcakes. My mom used to make them for me when I was little so I wanted to make the for them. They sure were yummy, although since I am watching my figure I just had the strawberries with low fat cool whip. YUMMY!

The kids are now settles down and I am here blogging and enjoying the peace and quiet.

Man I am just thinking like a "mother"! My day will come and we can't wait. Until now I will suck up all the practice!

Good Night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hooray for Skinny Vanilla Lattes! Glad to see you blogging again.