Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Pre-Spring Cleaning

I know Spring is not till another month, but I wanted to check some tasks of my list. I started today by cleaning out the pantry. I got rid of alot of stuff. I then organized my scrapbook stuff (this is an ongoing process) and did some online browsing for shelving. Since we have an apartment and will not be moving anytime soon it lacks storage space. So in our mini-hallway I want to get some shelves where I can place more of my hand craft projects, books, and pictures. I want to get shelving for the bedroom as well.

I sort of have a wish list for cleaning/projects that I would like to accomplish in the next two month or so.

Here are a few of them:

-Nice pictures for the bathroom. I can purchase one at Michaels along with a wooden frame that I can paint
-Curtains for the bedroom. My aunt is going to help me make them.
-Pick out fabric for the curtains
-Mod Podge Plate
-Buy shelves for the hallway/bedroom
-Get my receipe scrapbook in order
-Clean out our closets
-Donate clothing and so forth

So as you can see I have quite a list. Knowing me I will get it done by April!

Happy Cleaning!

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