Sunday, September 30, 2007

I'm Back!

I just got back from Tahoe today. Me and some friends went to run the 10K...and guess what??? I beat my time. I guessed that I would finish in 1.5 hours, but nope came in at 1 hour and 12mins..wait I'm not 28 degree weather, in the snow, and high altitude! YUP YUP!

Just want to brag about my news!!

I'll share more later.


Raechelle Bellus said...

that's awesome!!! Huge congrats to you!

~Rachel~ said...

that's awesome! great job A! (is there really already snow in Tahoe, and was it really only 28 degrees???...ick)

creasa said...

That's awesome!! I'm sure a lot of hard work into the preparation for that! Congrats!

Danielle Flanders said...

What an accomplishment!! Congrats!!

Tammy Gray said...

WOW! I can not even comprehend being able to do that! Congratulations!