Monday, August 07, 2006

Crafty I am!

So I'm now on my way to fnishing up my "Friends Scrapbook". I'm so exicted cause its coming out so cute. I still have a few more memorable moments to scrapbook and then I'm all done. Last night the scrapbook crew came over and we scrapbooked for a few hours and got to know each other more. Had so fun and intersting conversations. I wish my friends the very best!

Although after realizing that I just have way to much supplies such as paper and stickers I'm no longer allowed to buy more of that. Lori recommned a scrapbook store so I'm going to have to go there and get some more stuff! But all in all I created a inventory list of what I have now. So going forward I'm always going to look at the list of supplies and see what I have before I go buy anything. I still need to get some cute boxes to store all my stuff in to be more organzied. One day when we buy our home I'm just going to have to have a scrapbook room.

On that note, I've accomplish alot of scrapbook to do stuff last nite.

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